Saturday, October 25, 2014

Beauty of Boston

Today I got the chance to spend some time in Boston with my kids. I think it's safe to say that when the kids are involved, I don't get to quite concentrate on photography like I might if I were by myself. But I like to take any opportunity to practice, and it's always good to see if I can get some good shots of the kids themselves. Sometimes it even works!

I'm trying out some new Photoshop techniques I've been learning this week thanks to a breakout workshop on the Clickin Moms forum. It's been absolutely fantastic and I'm just loving being a part of this community.

One of the locations we visited today was the public library. My kids have both started learning about photography on point-and-shoot cameras, so we were looking for places to shoot and my son requested this one. I was proud of him and impressed that he thought of it. We didn't spend a lot of time, but I'd heard there was a beautiful reading room on the third floor and that's where I took this shot:

This has a lot of elements that I love in architectural photography - light, shadow, lines, arches, interesting detail... It drew me in right away. I know I would have a fantastic time exploring more of Boston's architecture, which I hope to spend more time doing in the future. As much as I love my kids and spending time with them, I'm looking forward to a chance to poke around at my own pace and discover more interesting shots along the way.

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